
You constantly see posts on social media about people complaining that they feel lonely and wish they had attention. Be it girls or guys, most of us crave someone to care about us, to be there for us. I’m no exception. Seeing my friends getting girlfriends and boyfriends makes me feel lonely sometimes. I’m not gonna lie. I’ve always wished for someone that I could care about, and talk to whenever I need that person. 

I’ve been watching this Chinese drama series that really makes me feel emotional. The plot is about a guy born with bad luck, his parents died in a car crash and he had no brothers and sisters. He was forced to live with many relatives, all of them who rejected him because of his bad luck. Whenever they touched him, a bad thing will happen to them within 5 seconds. It’s a really horrible thing. However, he met a really good friend who stuck by him all the way. This friend was the only one unaffected by his bad luck. He also lived with a really cool relative, his distant maternal aunt who loved him a lot and took care of him. One day, he met this beautiful girl who he absolutely loved. One day, this girl fainted and he administered CPR to her. That kiss transferred all the bad luck from him to her and he received all her good luck. He became rich and his career took off. However, his relatives came back and pretended to care about him, with the motive only to glean some benefits off of him. Moreover, the girl he loved didn’t love him back. 

This really hit me like a brick. The guy gave his absolute all for her, willing to give up everything for her. Yet she didn’t love him back. It really sucks and it’s really unfair. I get emotional because of this drama series. All this guy wanted was to be with the person he loved, and yet he couldn’t even have that. He lent money to his relatives without hesitation even when he knew they were cheating him of his money. He’s an absolutely terribly nice guy.

It applies to many guys out there too. I wouldn’t say I’m the nicest guy in the world, and I do desire a person that would genuinely care about me. Call it puberty, but probably everyone will experience this sort of thing, it’s just a matter of how deep you bury this desire in your heart. It makes me really sad to see girls want to go out with guys who are badass and cool, while they ignore the nice guys who have stuck by them all along.

Putting myself in the shoes of the females, I guess I would say I’d choose the better looking guy with shades and a motorcycle. I know love can’t be forced, yet why are they attracted to the guy whom they know it’s not gonna end well. Why?

I can never have the answer to this question. Love is a complex system which there is no straightforward formula to follow. Do you have the answer?

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